Wednesday 17 January 2018

Lovely Lingerie!

So as part of my me-made-manifesto I have promised not to buy anything new for a year, the only exception being tights! So that means I've got to get my sew on and make some pants! Or knickers to our American pals.

I was REALLY scared about making my own underwear as I'm new to sewing with stretchy fabrics. But this year is about learning new skills and lingerie seemed like a great way to start. I'm VERY picky about underwear and the thought of being able to design and make my own things was incredibly appealing. Basically, for me, it needs to be stylish and comfortable.
Flo Jo Stretch Knickers

So, to start off I decided to get organised (which, to be honest, is rare for me!). I often start projects without the right zip/needles/trims and then get frustrated with myself when things don't quite go right. So to kick off I invested in some ballpoint jersey needles for my trusty Janome machine. Then I picked up a lovely kit at Flo Jo fabrics in Bristol. I'd highly recommend their kits, especially to beginners. You get all the fabric and stretch lace you need and super clear instructions. Once I'd had the support of a pre-made kit I found it easier to sus out the best jersey and lace to buy for my next project.

The main thing I've discovered that I LOVE about sewing underwear is that the pattern pieces are small, it's so easy to cut out all of your pieces, and it's pretty darn obvious how they fit together. An absolute dream if you live in a small flat like I do and have to clear away your projects in between bursts of sewing. Also it's so quick to sew something which is also really functional. It's great sewing a beautiful dress for a special occasion, but it can take weeks to make and then you might only wear it a handful of times! Sewing your own lingerie is the gift that keeps on giving! You can have beautiful, comfy, perfectly fitting lingerie joy everyday!

I've made lots of the Sew Jo stretch french knickers, and now I've discovered Evie La Luve patterns, and supportive YouTube videos. Hannah's video's are really clear and easy to follow, as a newbie to sewing lingerie I watched her Esme Panties video before starting out sewing the pattern just to get some tips and I am so glad I did! Hannah has some great tricks to make your elastic fit and gather perfectly. Check her out!

Esme Panties

I've found ebay to be a great source of 4-way stretch jersey and stretch lace which won't break the bank. There's some beautiful stuff on etsy but a lot of it is out of my price range and kind of defeats the point of making it yourself! If you have any top tips for stockists and sellers do let me know in the comments :-)

These resources are really helpful when you're starting out sewing your own lingerie. If you're thinking of having a go I'd say absolutely go for it! I found it surprisingly easy and so satisfying!

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